Media Manager

In this project, I spearheaded the designing of a comprehensive white-label app and content management system (CMS) as a feature enhancement for the Fragmob platform. Tasked with creating a versatile solution that could be customized for various clients, I meticulously crafted a user interface that seamlessly adapts to diverse brand identities while prioritizing a unified and intuitive user experience for both Android and iOS. Leveraging my expertise in user-centric design, I implemented an efficient CMS that empowers clients to effortlessly create, organize, and publish their content to their customers and sales members.

The white-label app, marked by its clean aesthetics and intuitive navigation, serves as a flexible canvas for various businesses to be able to deliver content to their sales members as intended, but to also allow their sales members (our users) to able to easily ingest that content and be able to share and communicate that content or knowledge with their prospects and customers. Through a meticulous design-thinking approach, I successfully delivered a scalable, customizable, and visually cohesive solution, showcasing the importance of proficiency in creating impactful digital products tailored to meet the distinct needs of a diverse clientele.

The Luxx brand, seen in the designs here, was our internal fake direct sales company used to showcase designs and prototypes internally or for user testing.

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Done with, for, and on behalf of Fragmob LLC

December 2016 - December 2017

Organization Strategy

Being a content delivery and content receiving system simple and clear organization was the most important element for both experiences.

Category Sections
Identifier Tags
Media Content
Category Sections

The category sections were the first layer that allowed for the highest level of organization for both the CMS and the media app.

On the web portal CMS side sections allowed for our back office users to be able to view and manage their content by the type of media they were trying to deliver to the app users, their sellers.

On the app side the sections allowed users to see the latest media items while also being able scroll through the media on the app by section.

Portal Web CMS Managing Sections Features
Add a New Custom Section

In the CMS we gave customers some default categories for latest content and by content type which were the most common way we found users looked for media on the apps. We also gave our customers a way to add their own custom sections to allow them to organize content in what ever way was best for their user/sellers or what best fit their company brand.

Sort Sections Display Order for Users

To add to the customization for content delivery they could sort the sections in order as they would be listed on the app. Users could sort by drag and drop and auto saving.

Edit Section Names

Any custom section a customer could edit the name or add additional language translations.

Sort Media Items

From the sections page customers could sort the display order of the media items in each section to further customize the delivery of content.

Sort Tags

Additionally from the sections page customers could sort the display order of the tags in each section to tailor the filtering experience.

Hide Section

Another tool we gave customers to manage their users content was to allow them to hide and show sections they wanted users to see or not see in the app. This allowed customers to create and set up the media section entirely as they wanted before releasing to users.

Delete Section

This function was here to complete the full CRUD (Create/Read/Update/Delete) functionality for section in the CMS.

Play with this prototype to see all the web portal CMS features.
White Label Examples
Portal Web CMS Managing Sections Features
Scroll all Sections

The different category sections are listed vertically according to how they were sorted in the CMS.

Side Scroll and Select Specific Media

The media for each section is listed horizontally and could be side scrolled by users to see all the media items for that section.

See all Media for a Section

Beyond side side scrolling to see all the media for a section a user could select the “See All” button and be taken to a view where all of the media with more info is listed vertically.


Through a fuzzy search users could search by key words to find specific media items.

My Downloads

This view allowed users to view the media they have downloaded to their device so they could view offline. This was an important feature for the users/sellers so they could show potential customers media at events when their was poor connection or no connection.

My Favorites

This view allowed for users to view a specific list of media that they have marked as their favorites. This feature was important for user/sellers because it allowed them to pre-make a set of content they wanted to use during a sale.

Play with the prototype of the iOS version of the media app.
Portal Web CMS Managing Sections Features
Scroll all Sections

The different category sections are listed vertically according to how they were sorted in the CMS.

Side Scroll and Select Specific Media

The media for each section is listed horizontally and could be side scrolled by users to see all the media items for that section.

See all Media for a Section

Beyond side side scrolling to see all the media for a section a user could select the “See All” button and be taken to a view where all of the media with more info is listed vertically.


Through a fuzzy search users could search by key words to find specific media items.

My Downloads

This view allowed users to view the media they have downloaded to their device so they could view offline. This was an important feature for the users/sellers so they could show potential customers media at events when their was poor connection or no connection.

My Favorites

This view allowed for users to view a specific list of media that they have marked as their favorites. This feature was important for user/sellers because it allowed them to pre-make a set of content they wanted to use during a sale.

Identifier Tags

The tagging system was an additional way for customers to organize their content for their app user/sellers so they can look for or filter media by additional identifiers.

The identifier tags were primarily used by our customers to highlight items by year, event, level, or sale type to further help tailor media for specific scenarios and specific user/sellers.

Identifier Tags

The tagging system was an additional way for customers to organize their content for their app user/sellers so they can look for or filter media by additional identifiers.

The identifier tags were primarily used by our customers to highlight items by year, event, level, or sale type to further help tailor media for specific scenarios and specific user/sellers.

Portal Web CMS Managing Tags Features
Add a New Tag

Adding a new tag only required a name to be created, but also allowed for customers to add additional translations for each tag name.

Edit Tag Name

For any tag a customer could edit the name or add and remove additional language translations.

Delete Tag

This function was here to complete the full CRUD (Create/Read/Update/Delete) functionality for Tags in the CMS.

Portal Web CMS Managing Tags Features
Add a New Tag

Adding a new tag only required a name to be created, but also allowed for customers to add additional translations for each tag name.

Edit Tag Name

For any tag a customer could edit the name or add and remove additional language translations.

Delete Tag

This function was here to complete the full CRUD (Create/Read/Update/Delete) functionality for Tags in the CMS.

White Label Examples
App Tag Features
Select & Filter by Tags

The tags are displayed at the top of the media list of a content category section to give users easy access and visibility to the filter options.

Side Scroll all Tags

Often there were more tags that could be made visible on the screen all at once, so the tags were placed in row that could be side scrolled by users so they could quickly find the filter (tag) they wanted. Since we allowed customers to set the display order of tags through the CMS the most important tags would always be displayed to users. Also, this was a consistent pattern carried over from the pervious listed media sections page as well as other places within the app.

View all Tags

Beyond side side scrolling to see all the tags, users could select the filter menu icon to open a page that showed all the tags for that section category displayed in order from top left to bottom right (reading pattern) to give users the ability quickly access everything. Also, note that users could multi-select tags.

App Tag Features
Select & Filter by Tags

The tags are displayed at the top of the media list of a content category section to give users easy access and visibility to the filter options.

Side Scroll all Tags

Often there were more tags that could be made visible on the screen all at once, so the tags were placed in row that could be side scrolled by users so they could quickly find the filter (tag) they wanted. Since we allowed customers to set the display order of tags through the CMS the most important tags would always be displayed to users. Also, this was a consistent pattern carried over from the pervious listed media sections page as well as other places within the app.

View all Tags

Beyond side side scrolling to see all the tags, users could select the filter menu icon to open a page that showed all the tags for that section category displayed in order from top left to bottom right (reading pattern) to give users the ability quickly access everything. Also, note that users could multi-select tags.

Media Content

The last level of organization, but by far the most important part was the media content itself. Some of the complexities needed by the customers here was related to the assignments and configurations of each media.

Customers needed each media item to be able to be configured by which countries had access to it, which rank of their user/sellers had access to it, what section category is it assigned to, what tags should be connected to it, can it be shared, can it be downloaded, when it publishes, when does it unpublish, and what translations does it have.

Play with this prototype to see all the web portal CMS features.
10. Call to Action Button

This was an additional configuration tool that allowed customers to add a button to media when shared by an app user/seller usually to media for products and that button would take people to purchasing page. A link field was added so that button has a URL to link to and then some data elements that each user/seller has attributed them could be added so the user/sellers could have their shares and sales tracked for helping the direct sales company giver their sellers awards and rank promotions along with data on the performance of their products.

11. Title & Description

The title was a just a simple text field while the description area was a WYSIWYG so our customers could format the media copy however they wanted.

12.  Translations

Our customers had user/sellers all over the world speaking many different languages. An area to allow the customers to add translations to each media type to help solve that and help reduce the need for duplicate media. Also, the translations all being on a single media item helped our customers track the performance of each media item easier.

Play with this prototype to see all the web portal CMS features.
Content Page Features Video
Unpublished Media

The unpublished media displayed the date it unpublished. Users could republish an unpublished item but would have to do that while editing the media item and setting a new publish and unpublish time.

Published Media

These media items showed when they were published and upon hover of the published date  box it would show the scheduled unpublish date if there was one. Also, published media allowed users copy and save links for sharing the content out side of the app, embedding it on other sites or blogs, and for setting deep links in the app for this media item from another media item or other area within the app.

Portal Web CMS Managing Content Features
Search by Keyword

Most of our customers had hundreds of media items so a search by keyword was very important for them for when finding a specific media item.

Media State Tabs

These were essentially the main filter to make it easy for our customers to find media by its publishing state. Visibility to this was very important for managing the content so we added tabs for quick filtering visibility to this.


Additional filters were added to allow our customers refine their content by different media configurations to help them manage at scale.

Draft Media

Most of our customers had many portal users managing media and to help keep those users in our environment and make the data sticky and also help the users not have to work in multiple tools. Also, users had the ability to publish now.

Scheduled Media

When creating and editing media users could set a time for scheduling and in the display that date was shown. Also, we gave users a quick action to override that and publish now.

White Label Examples
App Media Content Features

Tapping on the star icon allowed for users to favorite a media item. Filled stars showed items that were favorited while outlined stars indicated not favorited. Also, there was a page users could access to view exclusively there favorited media.


Tapping on the download icon allowed for users to download a media item to their device. Only media items that allowed for downloading would show this icon. Filled download icons showed items that were downloaded while outlined download icons indicated not downloaded. Also, there was a page users could access to view exclusively there downloaded media even when their device wasn’t connected.


When selecting to share a media item users were presented with a list of their contacts with searching functionality to choose who to share too, along with a button that gave them access to sharing via any other app the had on their device with the media already unfurled in the send to make sharing flexible, easy, and intuitive for users.

App Media Content Features

Tapping on the star icon allowed for users to favorite a media item. Filled stars showed items that were favorited while outlined stars indicated not favorited. Also, there was a page users could access to view exclusively there favorited media.


Tapping on the download icon allowed for users to download a media item to their device. Only media items that allowed for downloading would show this icon. Filled download icons showed items that were downloaded while outlined download icons indicated not downloaded. Also, there was a page users could access to view exclusively there downloaded media even when their device wasn’t connected.


When selecting to share a media item users were presented with a list of their contacts with searching functionality to choose who to share too, along with a button that gave them access to sharing via any other app the had on their device with the media already unfurled in the send to make sharing flexible, easy, and intuitive for users.

White Label Examples